Welcome to a new School year, full of language fun!
Yes, it is time for la rentrée again after a – too short but fantastically warm – summer!
The PowerLanguage team have been busy preparing new Online Courses, Planners and Responsive Resources. Among others, please pay attention to the lovely resources linked to Roald Dahl day and International Literacy day, both in September (see below).
Bon courage et bonne reprise à tous !
PowerLanguage International Conference 2018
A reminder that we are running our annual Conference on Monday 17 September and Tuesday 18 September 2018 in Edinburgh, with the title: “PowerLanguage within the 1+2 language policy: a Scottish model”. We are delighted and honoured to have secured a very prestigious Keynote Speaker: Sarah Breslin*, who is Scottish and now runs the European Centre for Modern Languages based in Austria. Sarah will give us a European perspective on Language Learning and Teaching and what the current priorities are around Europe. We still have a few places left, so please get in touch with us ASAP should you wish to attend!
*Sarah Breslin is the Executive Director of the European Centre for Modern Languages (www.ecml.at)
More details can be found on our website:
PowerLanguage Courses Update
In addition to our existing online courses for Teachers and Families (available in French and Spanish), we now have L3 packages designed to support teachers and their pupils, even if they are complete beginners. These packages are available in Chinese, French, Spanish and German (coming very soon)!
Click here to hear from the teachers and pupils who took part in our Mandarin learning pilot at Borrowfield and Monikie Primary Schools in Angus Council.
The cost of each L3 Course for Schools is £97 per school. Get in touch to find out more or visit powerlanguage.courses
PowerLanguage Schools Update
Planners and Associated Resources
The following Planners have recently been added to the website
(availability depends on your subscription):
- Spanish PLS4 Block 4
- French PLS5 Block 1 (available from 24 August)
Coming soon: German PLS4 Block 4.
We are also starting to revamp our Planners and Associated Resources starting from PLS1 onwards, following feedback from users. This will mean more animations, extra sound files on PPTs, updated content, fresher layouts and graphics. These resources will be uploaded progressively over the next 6 months. Please make sure that you always use the latest version of our resources by downloading straight from the website.
Responsive Resources
Revamped Responsive Resources
We are continuing to update our existing Responsive Resources with a range of new animations and illustrations, hyperlinks within our PowerPoints to facilitate navigation, as well as additional teachers notes, which present all resources within a dossier, with ideas for activities.
- Space
- Earth
- The International Space Station
- Pets
- Vikings
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Geography
- Tapas
- Storytelling: la ratita presumida
- Earth
- Solar system
- Pets
- Vikings
New Responsive Resources
- Space
We have created an extensive dossier suitable for nursery pupils and early primary, which includes animations, large and mini flashcards, arts and craft activities … and a range of ideas for further games and activities.
Coming soon:
- Outdoor learning and the 5 senses
This dossier will be suitable for nursery children as well as early primary.
- Earth
- Solar system
Additional resources: In collaboration with Ms Thea Pallut, 1+2 Development Officer at Highland Council, we have developed a new set of resources entitled: Games and Activities, which can be downloaded from the Responsive resources section (go to the Main Page for each Language). The Word document provides teachers with a range of ideas for activities and games, suitable from Nursery upwards. Key language and basic instructions for these games are provided in the accompanying PowerPoint, in French, German and Spanish. We hope that you will find these documents useful! Should you have further ideas for games and activities, please submit them to us and we will add them to the list.
Some useful Responsive Resources for the August to October period:
8 September: International Literacy Day
- Brown Bear
- Comics
- Goldilocks and the 3 bears
- Jack and the beanstalk
- Jules Verne
- Literacy workshop
- Peppa Pig
- Roald Dahl
- Robert Burns
- Scottish myths and legends
- Super heroes
- The 3 little pigs
- Tiddler
- Under the sea
- Zarafa
- Jack and the beanstalk
- The 3 little pigs
- Tiddler
- La ratita presumida
- Tito
- Goldilocks and the 3 bears
- Jack and the beanstalk
- The 3 little pigs
- The snail and the whale
- Roald Dahl
19 September: International “Talk like a Pirate” Day
French and Spanish
- Pirates
21 September: International Day of Peace
- Children’s rights
- Discrimination
- Fairtrade
22 September to 7 October: British food fortnight
This could be a time to explore foods in other countries and compare with British food
- Chocolate
- Cooking
- Fairtrade
- Food
- France
- French café
- Health week (this dossier contains a section on food groups, healthy eating …)
- German café
- Germany
- Oktoberfest
- Spanish
- Cooking
- Food
- Spain
- Tapas
26 September: European Day of Languages
French, German and Spanish
- PE Games
- Songs
- Cultural dossiers
- Culture hunt
Why not have a special assembly, with songs, cultural quizzes, special foods, PE games and fun activities?
1 October: China National Day
- China
4 October: World Animal Day
- Pets
- Mini beasts
- Pets
- Animals of Australia
- Mini beasts
- Rainforest animals
- Mini beasts
Battle of Hastings 1066
William the Conqueror
(French and Spanish)
Dia de los muertos