We hope that you have all had a good rest over the Festive Season and feel ready to tackle a New Year of language teaching and learning! It looks like 2020 will be another busy one for us at PowerLanguage: our new resources for Secondary Schools have taken off and we are currently developing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) dossiers aimed at post-Primary schools in the Republic of Ireland, with the results of their Pilot Project published soon. Click here to find out more.
We are also working on Level 2 of our online Spanish course to be used by teachers in class. Go to powerlanguage.courses for further information.
As ever, our team is busy developing and revamping Responsive Resources and Planners. See below for the latest news.
Finally, the Pan-Tayside team in Scotland have run a survey on the Implementation of 1+2 in all their schools, as well as how their teachers use PowerLanguage. The overall results have been very positive: please feel free to contact us to get more information.
PowerLanguage Schools Updates

Planners and Associated Resources
The following Planners have recently been added to the website (availability depends on your subscription):
- French PLS6 Block 3
- Spanish PLS6 Block 1
- German PLS6 Block 1
Coming soon: Spanish and German PLS6 Block 2
Responsive Resources
The revamp of some of our existing Responsive Resources is ongoing, with a range of new animations and illustrations, hyperlinks within our PowerPoints to facilitate navigation, as well as additional teachers notes, which present all resources within a dossier, with ideas for activities. We have also added Reading and Writing activities to cater for Second Level where appropriate.
Please check online regularly, as a number of dossiers are on your way!
Revamped Responsive Resources
- La France, Primary school and special celebration
- La géographie de la France
- Paris
- Celts
- Ancient Egypt
Coming soon
- Les Alpes
- Scottish rocks and fossils
- Scottish Parliament
- Jacobites
- Science experiments
- Toys
German (coming soon)
- Science experiments
- Toys
Spanish (coming soon)
- Science experiments
- Toys

Some useful Responsive Resources for the January to April period:
- Epiphany: Songs, traditions and recipes (French/ Spanish)
- France – les fêtes (French)
- Chinese New Year (French)
- Robert Burns (French)
- Louis Braille (French)

- Valentine’s day (French)
- Shrove Tuesday (French)
- Fairtrade (French)

- World wildlife day: animals, rainforest (French/ Spanish)
- World book day: (French/ German/ Spanish) for a range of adapted stories, please refer to our Literacy/Storytelling section
- World maths day: Numeracy (French)
- Fairtrade (French)
- Sustainable development goals (French)
- Saint David’s day (French)
- Saint Patrick’s day (French)

- National pet month: Pets (French/ German/ Spanish)
- Earth day: Earth (French/ German/ Spanish)
- Saint George’s day (French)
- World health day: Health and Wellbeing (French)
- Easter (French/ German/ Spanish)

For further information on any of our news items, please visit our website: