Date: Tuesday 22 September 2020
Session 1: 09.15 – 11.00
Coffee break 11.00 – 11.30
Session 2: 11.30 – 13.00
Conference hashtag: #plconf20
The PowerLanguage Conference will be held online via a Zoom webinar. You will receive an email inviting you to register for the Conference and an email reminder will be sent automatically to you before the start of the Conference. You do not need to have a Zoom account to join the webinar.
09.15 – 09.30 Housekeeping
a quick run through on how to use the Chat, Q&A functions, and arrangements for coffee and lunch break.
Welcome from PowerLanguage Team and outline of Conference Themes:
- Online and Home Learning
- Parental Engagement / Blended Learning
- Use of PowerLanguage Schools resources during lockdown and for home schooling
- The PowerLanguage Challenge
09.30-10.30 Blended and Distance Learning in Practice: Lessons Learned
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ronald Kemsies is a professor at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna and a lecturer at the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Vienna in Austria.
He holds a teaching degree in English and French from the University of Vienna and a PhD in English and American Studies, specialising in applied cognitive linguistics. His professional experience includes teaching English as a foreign language in various settings as well as working as a teacher educator, mentor, educational consultant and materials writer.
His research interests are applied cognitive linguistics, second language acquisition, EFL methodology, primary ELT, CLIL and teacher education.
Ron will talk about the situation in Vienna during the Covid crisis then share best practice for blended/ distance learning and teaching – for pupils and for teachers – practical and hands on.
Q&A session with Ron
10.30 – 11.00 Updates from the PowerLanguage Team
- PowerLanguage Schools
- PowerLanguage Courses
- Training
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break

A virtual space (Zoom Meeting) will be created to offer the opportunity for informal discussion between delegates during the coffee break should they wish to do so. Delegates will be able to see/hear/talk to each other. Further details will be provided by the PowerLanguage Team on the day.
11.30 – 11.50 Thea Pallut, Ruairidh Mackay
Development Officer and Ruairidh Mackay, Gaelic 1+2 Languages Development Officer Highland Council
Highland Council Digital Hub
11.50 – 12.15 Kate Reitzenstein, Alicia McIntosh
Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia and Alicia McIntosh, French Specialist, Margaret River Independent School, Western Australia
Kate Reitzenstein has worked as Consultant for Languages of the Association of Independent Schools of WA since 2014. She organises professional development activities and provides advice to schools and teachers on policy, curriculum and resources.
Alicia McIntosh has worked as the French language Specialist at Margaret River Independent School since 2017. Having started her educational journey as a French immersion teacher in Canada her career has taken her around the world. She currently teaches part-time and supports a community of educators and learners on the platform ‘The Everywhere Classroom’.
Parental Engagement in Western Australia
12.15 – 12.30 Jen Read
Development Officer, Angus Council
Transition Project / Blended Learning
12.30 – 12.50 Zoe Gordon
1+2 Development Officer, West Lothian Council
Training: organising a Conference in times of Covid
12.50 – 13.00 Q&A, Closing remarks (PowerLanguage Team)
13.00 Conference end
Delegates are welcome to join the PowerLanguage Team for a virtual lunch!

The same virtual space (Zoom Meeting) used for the coffee break will be available for 30 minutes to chat, give feedback, and ask any questions.